Monday 17 June 2013

March - June

Well, its summer. Even though the view from my window begs to differ. The greying sky really does over-cast my mood and makes me want to do nothing but lounge in my comfy New York hoodie and listen to my playlist, entitled with a very depressed looking emoji. The joy.

Lets say its a long time no post. Lets not say that, its very cringy and I do not blame you if you close this tab and run away from the cheesy line. Scratch that. But, its been almost 3 months since my last post on here! I've had a very eventful and interesting few months - a lot of good, maybe some meh. But you learn from the meh-ness don't you? Apparently, anyway. Maybe I'll talk about that another time.

So, I've also finished my GCSEs. Those god forsaken exams that we all are put through. Its such a liberating feeling, knowing that for almost 3 months - you don't have to write pages and pages about Shakespeare or have your nose pressed up against a science revision guide, isn't it?

I say it every summer, but this summer I mean it - I'm not spending the summer getting up at midday and doing nothing. I'm going to get healthy, see my friends, work and blog. Blogging is something different that I know I will really enjoy. I hope you enjoy it too.

This is just a very brief post to say I am back, and I can't wait to start blogging for real this time!